Onwards & Upwards

Since the release of Anomie or Swimming in a Black Sea, there’s been a bunch of awesome people listening to, writing about, and even buying, the album, which is all kinds of incredible – a big thanks to all who have been doing any of the above; there’s been some really lovely, carefully considered, positive reviews & feedback.

We now have a YouTube channel, which you can find here.

As well as reviews, there’s been a couple of features – click these words if you’d like to know Invisible Elephant’s Favourite Five, as featured on GoldFlakePaint.  Or click these ones to read an interview with the other half (okay, quarter) of Two Hands Music over at [sic] Magazine.

Finally, since the last update, here’s where Anomie has been reviewed or featured:

Reviewed At:

Absolute Punk

Delusions Of Adequacy

Purple Revolver


Featured At:


Hidden Vibes

If you’re one of those types that would rather not pay attention to what anyone else says, here’s the music to pay attention to.

~Two Hands Music